500 miles / noon > 소담스크랩북

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[책·영화·음악] 500 miles / noon

페이지 정보

작성자소담 조회 3,951회 작성일 2017-06-13 09:58:00 댓글 0


500 miles / noon

If you miss the train I'm on, you will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles,
A hundred miles a hundred miles a hundred miles a hundred miles
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.

Lord I'm one Lord I'm two Lord I'm three Lord I'm four
Lord I'm 500 miles from my home
Away from home away from home away from home away from home
Lord I'm five hundred miles from my home

Not a shirt on my back not a penny to my name
Lord I can't go back-home this a-way
This a-away this a-way this a-way this a-way
Lord I can't go back-home this a-way

If you miss the train I'm on you will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles

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